Statement of Ethics

My work as a photographer and writer largely revolves around two areas: the Arctic and nature. I focus on Arctic nature and its wildlife, birdlife wherever I go, and the nature I get to experience in the proximity of where I live.

My goal is to show and celebrate the beauty of nature and wildlife, which I consider our most invaluable treasure, and, when possible, show how it changes over time by returning to the same place again. In so doing, I also aim to raise awareness of the impact of the climate crisis on the environment: what the main threats are, what is at stake, and why it is important to care.

My work is deeply rooted in the following values and principles:

Respect, Dignity and Empathy

Respect, dignity and empathy come first, always. When I am out in nature, I acknowledge that I am a ‘guest’ in the field, and my presence must never interfere with the normal behaviours of the animals that call that place home.

I photograph animals only and exclusively in the wild, where they belong. I try to avoid any behaviour that might cause them stress or anxiety: I do not get too close, I avoid sound baiting, I do not feed them ‘so I can get better shots’. If I am under the impression that the animal is in distress or alerted by my presence, I will leave the area immediately.

The same logic applies to nature in general: I do not stage the scene in order to improve my composition, nor do I alter it in any way by picking flowers or removing branches that might partially conceal the view. Everything belongs there for a reason, and I shall not get in the way.

Honesty and Accuracy

All work I share on my website is my own. I am the sole author of my photographs, and in my posts I only show and describe real facts and events. In the post-processing of my images, I strive to be as faithful to the original as possible. This means no addition or removal of objects, no colour replacement, and no excessive cropping, such that it removes important contextual information.

Environmentalism and Sustainability

I am aware of the responsibility I have toward the environment I inhabit and I try to minimise the impact of my presence in it. For this reason I plan my routes through nature in advance to ensure they are accessible, and not included in restricted or specially protected areas. I leave the place as I find it, dispose of rubbish properly, and leave no trace behind.

I research in advance the bird species that populate the areas I am planning to visit, so I can recognise their behaviours and ensure that my presence does not cause them harm.

When visiting the Arctic, I affirm my deep commitment to do everything in my power to preserve its unique ecosystem. I comply with the strict regulations in place, I do extensive planning to acquaint myself with the place, and I do not damage vegetation in any way. When in Svalbard, I do not approach or feed reindeer around town, I only venture outside the settlement in presence of an armed guide, and I follow their guidance at all times to avoid risks for myself, others, and the wildlife of the archipelago.

Impact through Authenticity and Awareness

Through my work I aim to convey the vital importance of preserving nature and wildlife, as well as raise awareness of the threats the climate crisis is posing to the ecosystems we, as all species, populate. I maintain that we are one in a large number of species that inhabit our planet, and we have a responsibility to contribute to its wellbeing: the health of the planet is our own health, there is nothing abstract about it.

I hope that my photos encourage meaningful reflection on why we should care about the environment, how climate events occurring elsewhere also impact the place where we live, and why indifference is as harmful as deliberate damage. Even the smallest changes in our everyday actions and habits can truly make a difference.

Education and Lifelong Learning

I am motivated to constantly improve all of my photographic skills: technique, composition, light, editing process, equipment. Additionally, I am committed to broadening my knowledge of topics and disciplines that are relevant to my photography and writing: wildlife conservation, environmental issues, Arctic ecosystems, birdlife. I firmly believe that this ongoing learning process is both an integral component of my photographic practice and crucial to a more thorough understanding of the impact of the climate crisis on the places I am keen to explore.

Accountability, Honesty and Integrity

I have a responsibility to consider the impact of taking and publishing photographs of places and animals pictured in my images. With this in mind, I pledge to abide by the principles listed in this statement, fulfil them in my writing and photographic practice, and review them regularly so that, as my work evolves, so will they. Should I make mistakes along the way, I will acknowledge, reflect on and learn from them.

I have completed the requirements for the Photography Ethics Certification awarded by the Photography Ethics Centre. I have published this Statement of Ethics as a declaration of my ethical principles and a description of how I commit to enact these principles in my photography and writing practice.

I have submitted my statement to the Photography Ethics Centre’s Statement of Ethics campaign, and I am proud to have been added to their list of practitioners committed to photo ethics. I strongly encourage all photographers to do the same. You can make the pledge here.